207Punchy's Channel
Back to uploading music nobody cares about, because I have nothing else to do
Occupation: OfficeMax
Schools: SIU - Carbondale (in the fall)
Interests: Modern art, photography, MS Paint, automotive design
Music: The music I post, obviously
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Videos (216)
Channel Comments (146)

t800 (2 years ago)
yo 207punchy I'm 3 on bwitter

gemmkore (2 years ago)
Welcome to the world

207Punchy (2 years ago)
go back to your balloon fetish, piccolo merdo

sjokoland7 (2 years ago)
I hope Vidlii shuts down for good.

207Punchy (2 years ago)
how bout no

Nakupenda2007 (2 years ago)
take down that video now, fucktard

Nakupenda2007 (2 years ago)
you suck! how dare you insult mikepaul!

HACKEDBYVLTP (2 years ago)
We can be friends I even tried to promote your channel in my newest upload

207Punchy (2 years ago)
hell no

HACKEDBYVLTP (2 years ago)
Can you give me a friend request?
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