207Punchy's Channel
Back to uploading music nobody cares about, because I have nothing else to do
Occupation: OfficeMax
Schools: SIU - Carbondale (in the fall)
Interests: Modern art, photography, MS Paint, automotive design
Music: The music I post, obviously
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Videos (213)
Channel Comments (145)
207Punchy (2 years ago)
ive been focusing on getting my drivers liscense hbu
t800 (2 years ago)
what's good??
207Punchy (2 years ago)
lol the faggot blocked me
LolwutPear (2 years ago)
207Punchy (2 years ago)
the difference being that im an OG
labor (2 years ago)
professional music uploaders everywhere
207Punchy (2 years ago)
the hell is with all these weird ass accs subbin to me
that (2 years ago)
gemmkore (2 years ago)
Hey g
themadman1234 (2 years ago)
t80 more like z69!
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