207Punchy's Channel
Back to uploading music nobody cares about, because I have nothing else to do
Occupation: OfficeMax
Schools: SIU - Carbondale (in the fall)
Interests: Modern art, photography, MS Paint, automotive design
Music: The music I post, obviously
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Videos (213)
Channel Comments (145)
207Punchy (2 years ago)
i already own every drive like jehu track, own every video possible of their live preformances, and own a t-shirt... i got enough
drivelikejehu (2 years ago)
drivelikejehu (2 years ago)
207Punchy (2 years ago)
i really doubt that this is Rick Froberg
drivelikejehu (2 years ago)
hi this is driv like jehuu your going free consert.
207Punchy (2 years ago)
happy birthday, ma (July 31)
207Punchy (2 years ago)
id eat it for free just get me some damn rc cola
gemmkore (2 years ago)
Would you eat a live snail for $394,392,205.49 ?
207Punchy (2 years ago)
dont you have a special education class to attend?
TrollEpicXXX (2 years ago)
U very retarded
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