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AaronP Joined: Oct 13, 2021 Last Sign In: 3 months ago Subscribers: 31 Video Views: 632 Channel Views: 3,557
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A Deranged Degenerate's Rant From: AaronP
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A Deranged Degenerate's Rant
A Deranged Degenerate's Rant 3 months ago
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DarkHorse tries to take credit for ...
Looks like I'm not the only one who was skeptical of DarkHorse trying to benefit from YtpCentury's pedophilia. It seemed he was trying to use the situ...
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Raxxhorse returns after his latest ...
His dog may have barked after she heard him screaming.
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Channel Comments (89)
MexicanCapitalist (6 months ago)
If they provided for their parents, that's different! That's why we have so much of these self entitled manchildren nowadays! Disgusts me! I was working at 16, and had several small jobs before that! Although what about if they're 18 plus and they're asking for it? Although he said that about a 16 year old, that's disgusting! It probably depends though, if they're 18, they are an adult legally! And Ghost flirts with 20 something year old girls at twin peaks cuz they're asking for it!
GamblingCapitalist (6 months ago)
Depends what it was though! I wouldn't send my kids to college for stupid useless degrees! But you're better off working at 18! They kinda do, because that's when you become an adult! Wolf man is different, he's a stupid idiot living in a damn shed! Parents need to stop coddling these manchildren for fuck sake! Maybe if he was a capitalist, he'd have an excuse for that attitude! Well, if they're not successful, that's on them! But a nice attitude doesn't count in my personal opinion
Iloveyouallblessingx (6 months ago)
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MexicanCapitalist (6 months ago)
He's 37 and still living with his parents? Fucking pathetic! He needs to cook for himself instead! Well, it's an 18 year old, but still! He does sound like a damn degenerate though! I hope migrants replace his stupid ass! Good, that gray fox guy is using slurs like some edgy incel, and I don't like it! That's fucked up man! But hey, Ghost goes to twin peaks with 20 year old waitresses, so that's not super creepy! Has he said anything towards underage girls though?
GamblingCapitalist (6 months ago)
Yeah, that wolf man guy sounds like a fucking autist tard. He's 37 and he's still living with his parents?! That's fucking goddamn pathetic! He should've moved out at fucking 18! He picks online fights with teenagers? What a fucking weirdo! I can see he's childish, he's a 37 year old man wearing a pokemon hat! He probably was coddled, just like stupid fucking anime freaks watching that shit when they're 20, 30, even 40 PLUS YEARS OLD! IT MAKES ME SICK!
King0vHel (7 months ago)
I don't want to hurt innocent people, so I'll correct my mistake! Thanks, I hope the same for you. Yes, I hate cowards who harm children and animals, and I will continue to torture them for being degenerates! YtpCentury is gonna suffer for what he did! It's probably because of the videos I made about him, Raxxhorse seems to really hate that. I wish the same for them as well, I have nothing against them
AltRightGaming (7 months ago)
what did I do???
boa654 (7 months ago)
why does he think i am a guy
boa654 (7 months ago)
that moron always has weak reasons for his points
King0vHel (7 months ago)
He's saying that because he hates it when I get support, or if someone calls him out on my channel. He always plays the role of the victim. If he would admit that he's not innocent, and that him and Dookie have crossed the line as well, I wouldn't be so harsh, but that's never gonna happen. Hasn't he threatened to beat everyone? That's just more of his wannabe tough guy bullshit. When will he get it through his head that he can't beat us?
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