MatthewRC(2 months ago)
Rob, have a very merry and blessed Christmas!
AnalogKid(2 months ago)
Merry Christmas to everyone! I won't be back here. Those of you that know me know why. Currently at the library. The only way I can access the site. I wish you all the best in the new year, and if you want to keep in touch, you know how to find me. Peace out guys!
Timeless(2 months ago)
But, we must be grateful for whatever home we have. (It’s best to keep the pump turned off unless we use water in basement.) Grateful for loved ones and health too. Sending you a PM. Have a safe and healthy holiday! Now that were winterized (for the most part) the current project is cleaning out the basement. I haven’t found money yet but I found my Cabbage Patch doll from 1985. Take care!
Timeless(2 months ago)
Hi Rob, thanks for stopping by! I hope you guys have been well. I love your Christmas theme! The Christmas tree lights remind me of my childhood. We haven’t had extreme weather lately, just a light coating of snow. That sounds scary about your earthquake. Thank God it wasn’t worse. I’m not in the best of moods. Our heat is working, thank God (it’s 15 now) but our sump pump is going off every minute or two. This house, man…
MatthewRC(2 months ago)
Im sorry about your co-worker. 18 years is a full life for a cat for sure. Ive never had one make it past 15, i would love to have those 3 extra years for my pervious cats who died. Have a blessed evening Rob. It's good catching up with you. Enjoy your time off :)
MatthewRC(2 months ago)
I'm glad that cats are doing good. that's so sweet Rob.. May God grant all of your little angels good health.. Hopefully you let the new one play in the Christmas wrappings. When i unwrap all of the gifts I let the cats go crazy in a big pile of wrappings. They get such a kick out of that.. My cats are doing ok. The injured girl, im exercising her legs in bicycle motions 3-4 times a day in hopes that shell walk again, Cowboy is still hanging in there. He is fighting hard.. Thanks for asking.
MatthewRC(2 months ago)
it would make me nervous too, and not because women are known to be bad drivers lol.. well most of them.. it's true though, my mom's a bad driver, my stepmom and so on.. I hope and pray she takes good care of your ride. it's a sweet car.. Her car sounds nice too. I never heard of an RDX, but the Acura is a nice car. That's so cool that you two share your things. If any minor accidents happen that's what insurance is for.
MatthewRC(2 months ago)
I didn't see the Packers game. I was watching the score. Eve tuned in very late and it was a disappointment to say the least. The Hawks lack so much but their division is so weak that they may win it. I do appreciate your words of advise though. You really do gotta go for what you want. Yea ive been single my whole life, thats all ive known. You're blessed to have Tammy though. It's nice to have a partner through the hardships..
MatthewRC(2 months ago)
I'm feeling well over-all. My plans for the Holiday, I'm just having a few people over to my place, nothing big. What are your plans? Thanks for stopping by. It's good to see you. Oh btw, how are your cats doing? ttyl Rob!