AnthonyGiarrusso's Channel
Joined: Jul 03, 2020
Last Sign In: 5 days ago Subscribers: 695
Video Views: 18,695 Channel Views: 15,046
Motivational Speaking, Entertainment, Paranormal, and More!
Movies: Raya and the Last Dragon, Ford v Ferrari, Pirates of the Caribbean
Music: SiriusXM, Pandora, SoundCloud, CDs, and FM Radio
Books: Non-fiction about marine biology, cars, and finance
Subscribers (695)
Videos (332)
Channel Comments (823)
AnthonyGiarrusso (4 years ago)
To my 190 friends on VidLii. Thank you all for being my friends with me. I appreciate it! Have a pleasant day! Sincerely, @AnthonyGiarrusso @xwindowslogicxlulu48683986
AnthonyGiarrusso (4 years ago)
To my 190 friends on VidLii. Thank you all for being my friends with me. I appreciate it! Have a pleasant day! Sincerely, @AnthonyGiarrusso @KangurZohan1997 @Zohan1997 @BlatrixFB @BlatrixFBGlobaGlobemon @GlobaGlobemonMechaAshura20 @MechaAshura20hyperverse @hyperversepereiraaeditor @pereiraaeditorWACV @WACVH3DZgutfuqrer @H3DZgutfuqrerMammothGeneral55 @MammothGeneral55AwsomeCatPunk
@AwsomeCatPunkQuickNerd @QuickNerd @ AlexLoquendo567 @AlexLoquendo567Freakedition @Freakeditionxwindowslogicx
@AwsomeCatPunkQuickNerd @QuickNerd @ AlexLoquendo567 @AlexLoquendo567Freakedition @Freakeditionxwindowslogicx
AnthonyGiarrusso (4 years ago)
To my 190 friends on VidLii. Thank you all for being my friends with me. I appreciate it! Have a pleasant day! Sincerely, @AnthonyGiarrusso
@ GregsyAnimateYT
@ GregsyAnimateYT
AnthonyGiarrusso (4 years ago)
To my 190 friends on VidLii. Thank you all for being my friends with me. I appreciate it! Have a pleasant day! Sincerely, @AnthonyGiarrusso
@TonyTurismo @TonyTurismoKaede @Kaedetecraudio @tecraudioAM @AMAyame @AyameYasubei @YasubeiMisao @MisaoAkemi @AkemiLevy @Levy @iamqqqqqqq @iamqqqqqqqTheVideoGamer64 @TheVideoGamer64Numberblocks @NumberblocksVictor2005 @Victor2005xXbonnybonXx @xXbonnybonXxputineboy @putineboypaintxp98net @paintxp98netminemaster @minemasterSanchez18 @Sanchez18Tm1 @Tm1
@TonyTurismo @TonyTurismoKaede @Kaedetecraudio @tecraudioAM @AMAyame @AyameYasubei @YasubeiMisao @MisaoAkemi @AkemiLevy @Levy @iamqqqqqqq @iamqqqqqqqTheVideoGamer64 @TheVideoGamer64Numberblocks @NumberblocksVictor2005 @Victor2005xXbonnybonXx @xXbonnybonXxputineboy @putineboypaintxp98net @paintxp98netminemaster @minemasterSanchez18 @Sanchez18Tm1 @Tm1
AnthonyGiarrusso (4 years ago)
@Zepku It is your right to block me if you wish. I just wanted to thank you for posting comments on my channel which is a symbol of support.
I also recommend that your parents get VidLii accounts. It is always more fun to include the members of your family for maximum fun. Have a wonderful day @Zepku !!!
I also recommend that your parents get VidLii accounts. It is always more fun to include the members of your family for maximum fun. Have a wonderful day @Zepku !!!
LtKytten (4 years ago)
Stop tagging me, or I will block you. I never had a intent to support you.
ElPDude616 (4 years ago)
@AnthonyGiarrusso Thank you to you I enjoy your content!
doorphantom6 (4 years ago)
@AnthonyGiarrusso That was a joke....
AnthonyGiarrusso (4 years ago)
@ALittleAngsty I didn't know that. Thanks for the tip.
doorphantom6 (4 years ago)
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