BigMushroomFan's Channel
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Welcome to BMF's second channel. Here I upload anything I don
Videos: 12
Video Views: 2,595
Subscribers: 112
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Videos: 10
Video Views: 7,902
Subscribers: 443
Recent Activity
BigMushroomFan Estoy de vuelta. (4 months ago)
BigMushroomFan Thank you for 300 Subscribers!! New video should be coming soon. :) (5 years ago)
BigMushroomFan Hey, I opened a new Public VidLii Server. Feel Free to join. (5 years ago)
BigMushroomFan It's my birthday today! :D (5 years ago)
BigMushroomFan Almost finished my Halloween channel design, all I need to do is set a new channel banner which I’ll do in a few hours but I gtg to school for now. (5 years ago)
Channel Comments (787)
fuckmehardbaby (3 months ago) this user @slutgear is a crazy stalker and a friend say it a guy
Iloveyouallblessingx (3 months ago) slutgear thanks my ass treat all the same. a block happy shit user..
who stalk me everyday.
Iloveyouallblessingx (3 months ago) slutgear hate me very much shit talk me. act nice to you. a scum..
@sillylaird you are no better than me or anyone just abuse your power as mod and think highly of thyself..
thevideogamer64 and cazzy close account and ran off to bitview say it all their not coming back because of you.
these user who troll them are still here treat them way better and laugh it off.. bullies are the meanest fuck on the internet.
Slutgear (3 months ago) Can you help please? There is a user named artemis0 spamming the site and my DMs. he has mass commented with mass mentions on multiple videos and channels and won't stop harassing me and others. Thanks.
KoawaVL (3 months ago) the bug is fixed now it just took like 3hours after it was 1# in queue for it to finally recognize it
KoawaVL (3 months ago) My videos are getting stuck at 1# in the queue while new videos keep uploading can you fix this but? Imma send this message to all vidlii mods
Iloveyouallblessingx (3 months ago) there a reason why i quit in june 12 of 2019
came back on 10 14 203.. 4 years later and 4 month..
lalinsky was fake friend i ask why dont you talk to me he say" i only care about my channel"
this piss me off a lot. that i could careless since.
Iloveyouallblessingx (4 months ago) i dont drink dont smoke dont do drugs im clean. i am sober..
most are drunk on week end im not. im a good person.
Carlton156 (4 months ago) very good man
Iloveyouallblessingx (4 months ago) bitview fan are treated much better here then I am at bitview who a whiner lacking self confident playing victim full of themselves. "vidlii is so toxic I close it and safe at" thanks for the laugh!
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