Chiyuki's Channel
Chiyuki Joined: Sep 04, 2018 Last Sign In: 6 months ago Subscribers: 82 Channel Views: 693
Age: 31
Hello, I'm Chiyuki. I'm an angel miko. Add me. Don't be shy.

Name: Chiyuki
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Nationality: Italian
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 158 cm (5'2)
Weight: 47 kg (104 lbs)
Status: Single
Siblings: I'm an only child
Country: United States
Connect with Chiyuki
Subscribers (82)
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Recent Activity
Chiyuki became friends with Sakamoto (4 months ago)
Chiyuki became friends with Ikumi (4 months ago)
Chiyuki became friends with Akiko (4 months ago)
Chiyuki became friends with Sanosuke (6 months ago)
Chiyuki became friends with Akame (6 months ago)
Channel Comments (107)
Yoko (1 year ago)
You have a bf??
4dojo (1 year ago)
I like an odd mix of animes. Naruto, deathnote, Ouran highschool. Pretty much anything that happens to be interesting to me. I've seen 100s of animes, but don't like most of them. Just a few.
ShizukaAkechi (1 year ago)
Hello Rei Hino.
Sayo (1 year ago)
Hey there. There's a face I haven't seen in a long long time.
MTBlane (1 year ago)
Remember January 6.
boa654 (1 year ago)
i made a video on SonicStirfe
Lazuli (1 year ago)
No I actually am an only child. But I have a cousin that might wanna use Android 17
Sakura (1 year ago)
I see.
4dojo (1 year ago)
Hey. How's it going? I'm trying to get back into anime but I don't know what's good these days. Do you have any recommendations?
WifeBeaterHerman (1 year ago)
Why don't you quit callin' my number, would ya' please?
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