ChristopherAgain's Channel
ChristopherAgain Joined: Nov 16, 2024 Subscribers: 8 Channel Views: 201
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Channel Comments (568)
MatthewRC (2 months ago)
Id probably do the same, if you can have a get together at your place instead of his bosses. i hope you guys have fun. Does Jeff like this coworker in that way or just friends? Your tree was really amazing, thank you for sharing that. I decorated my tv too ill show you a picture of that when i have time. Im glad I caught you because I was just about to log when you popped in.. Goodnight Chris :)
MatthewRC (2 months ago)
I actually changed it just cause I wanted to try this theme for a day, the trol already got Im feeling good. I just got some cleaning done earlier and and am resting right now. arent you going to jeff bosses house tomorrow or no?
MatthewRC (2 months ago)
I cant believe youre awake.
MatthewRC (2 months ago)
some nazi trolled me earlier lol
MatthewRC (2 months ago)
chris i went to the old design for a bit, just click feed and youll find comments. goodnight buddy.
MatthewRC (2 months ago)
Yea they do. very much.. How many gifts do you have to wrap?
MatthewRC (2 months ago)
Ive been eating ramen too alot because I like putting that sauce on top of it.. its quick and easy.. oh as for gifts? I have 3 more im waiting on then I can start wrapping.. ill tty soon :)
MatthewRC (2 months ago)
Im glad shes getting back into the swing of things with her job and everything. I knew she would overcome that hand ordeal.. shes very tuff chris.. anyways , imma grab a bite but ill bb in a bit..
MatthewRC (2 months ago)
what are you guys eating tonight? i tried changing the box around to see if it updates.
MatthewRC (2 months ago)
I know!!! it wont update, maybe shes a special soul.. i noticed that too lol
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