ChristopherAgain's Channel
ChristopherAgain Joined: Nov 16, 2024 Subscribers: 8 Channel Views: 201
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Channel Comments (568)
MatthewRC (2 months ago)
he wants a ski mask believe it or not.. I told him i want a hooded sweater and some coffee beans
MatthewRC (2 months ago)
I got to jump off in about 10 minutes to clean the kitchen up but ill bb.. i dont know if robins coming on. she usually gets on between 8-10 but havent heard much from her today. i know shes been wanting to catch you.
MatthewRC (2 months ago)
MatthewRC (2 months ago)
I do have to get my brother something i forgot, and youre welcome. Im glad she's back at work..
MatthewRC (2 months ago)
id dint buy aunt sally anything.. suggestions?
MatthewRC (2 months ago)
Im really happy for her Chris :) God bless her. Many prayers up for her and her health.. Im actually done shopping. i just have to wait for the items to be delivered. wbu? did you get jeffs and moms gifts done?
MatthewRC (2 months ago)
Yea thats probably true but I am half Italian after all. it comes with the territory lol. It was cold here too, I just went out minutes ago and wasnt dressed properly. How did moms second day go or she didnt work today?
MatthewRC (2 months ago)
I'm eating pasta again. did you guys eat? your bg looks pretty good I must say.. even though it looked good before too.
MatthewRC (2 months ago)
Doing pretty good. I'm eating dinner atm. What are you up to?
EvesGarden (2 months ago)
Chris, go to channel theme, click there, scroll way down. There's a box that says STRETCH.. check the box and hit update at the bottom, and there ya got the stretchy thing going lol.. Thanks for the concern, They called off the Tsunami warning soon after.. no big wave.. Besides it was closer to Rob, so it would have gotten him first .. whew He's just lost in trollville lol
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