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ChristopherAgain's Channel
ChristopherAgain Joined: Nov 16, 2024 Subscribers: 8 Channel Views: 195
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Channel Comments (568)
EvesGarden (1 month ago)
Hey Chris, sorry about not getting back to you sooner, but looks like da bird kept you busy lol.. We are experiencing what the weatherman calls an Bomb Cyclone. Very high winds, ice rain n so cold.. It hit Vancouver Canada then traveled thru Washington State n now Oregon.. Sitting here praying it doesn't knock my power out. I miss my fireplace since I moved. And I HATE being cold..no wifi or tv.. I may have to crack open a book..Remember books? LOL.. Hope you are in a warm place TTYS
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
Chris I hope you feel better :) please get some rest, ill be around for a bit. I dont know if bird is getting on later or not. btw antons on if you wanna say hi.. tty soon..
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
Yea I know about nonvacane, still ive googled the procedure, its got me alittle nervous lol. Im glad you like your hair cut. im in the process o cutting mine, i stopped to get on here for a bit.
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
you are on your pun game tonight hahah. The only thing that im nervous about is the crown I have to get done after the fillings, ive never had one.

btw how do you like your haircut?
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
Ive lost touch with greeny. it really stinks when you lose touch with people you like. anyways, yea its a routine filling tomorrow. i cant wait to be done with this work. ive been having work done since 2019. my teeth were seriously bad Chris.
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
No im just getting a filling. im not nervous
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
have you heard anything from ren yet?
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
Im not sure ive heard of a far away feeling. im glad youre doing alittle better though. I got an apointment at about 3pm tomorrow
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
she gave that to jeff last year and left me with a hooded sweatshirt lol. are you feeling dizzy? Im definitely going to buy one before full winter hits. How is mom?
DonaldgTrump (1 month ago)
Its fun to stay at the ymca aye
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