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Channel Comments (568)
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
I feel real good. It's really cold out though. I havent brought my jacket out yet for winter. Who are you buying gifts for? As I told you in emails ill start shopping after thanksgiving because of my cats expenses. Btw my vet told me she does have an infection, theyre giving me medicine..
EvesGarden (1 month ago)
Hey there Christopher, it's Eve from Chill..
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
I still havent heard any word yet. Its going to cost quite a bit. Anyways, what do you have planned for this weekend? besides shinning Aunt Sally's shoes ofcourse lol. How is jeffrey doing btw? Are they still treating him bad at work?
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
I gotta head out as well. Im feeling good, my ribs are doing good atm. Its beautiful out too. after Im done with the vets appoint I may make a couple of store runs. Ill keep you posted on how the appointment goes. Catch up with you soon. I just boxed you btw.
ChristopherAgain (1 month ago)
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
Im so glad to have you back on. Im doing ok. I got to deal with a vet appointment soon. Did you take mom to WV yet?
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
lol. Are you sure youre up for being on social media again?
MatthewRC (1 month ago)
Hi Chris :)
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