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Chronoarcaile2018's Channel
Chronoarcaile2018 Joined: Jun 12, 2017 Last Sign In: 7 years ago Subscribers: 8 Channel Views: 1,567
Age: 41
Country: United States
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Chronoarcaile2018 but what he did was outright insulted my channel from which he quoted "alright you need to change your godam background man I cant see anything", and even if he was joking,I don't take kindly to any sort of insults or sick unfunnny jokes which is verbal abuse especially when you have no idea what the hell i've been through all my liife,so as for you Mr Delete AustinTheSuperb AustinTheSuperb,you can just go fuck yourself,because I won't tolerate this shit any longer with anymore verbal attacks. (7 years ago)
Chronoarcaile2018 Normally I don't respond to Hate videos on me,but this guy,I'm making an exception. so my message to AustinTheSuperb: listen here you worthless piece of shit Faggot,I don't give a damn if you make anymore hate videos on me or not but hear this,I had every right to defend myself because what Mango did was a personal assult attacking my channel as a sick Joke,now if he would have asked me nicely to at least change the transparency,than I would have been ok with that with no problem,but no,what he (7 years ago)
Chronoarcaile2018 uhhhhhh* My nerve damage is pretty bad right now,I need to lie down for a bit because my head hurts from all the nerve damage I've substained today and last week,i'm gonna go lie down in the dark for awhile................... (7 years ago)
Chronoarcaile2018 and to the faggots that defend Mangomaster,you jerkoffs are nothing but asskissers because again,what he was doing was not joking or friendly constructivee critisim but harrassing me and being rude, and there for crushing my self esteem and I won't tolerate shit like this on my channel,EVER! It's my god damn channel,I'll do whatever the FUCK I want on it! (7 years ago)
Chronoarcaile2018 oh and one more thing,to mangomaster,AustinTheSuperb,afghanistan9 and pivot2parodies. since all four of you whinny faggots harrased me for no reason,I'm Blocking all 4 of you because I will not tolerate this shit one bit on my channel,because I've dealt with enough trolls before in the past on Youtube and I sure as hell don't need to deal with it here. you 4 shit heads are a prime example on why I want to give up on social media sites for good including giving up the internet in general. (7 years ago)
Channel Comments (449)
lemonboy1111 (7 years ago)
so EndlessZero still doesn't like me? :(
can he email you? i wanna know :(
lemonboy1111 (7 years ago)
hey sorry to bother you. can you tell EndlessZero sorry about my content? he misunderstood me. i just upload some random anime including youai because the fact i'm still young. i guess upload anime, alot of people do care for anime. i just wanted to be liken. can you tell him i said sorry?
lemonboy1111 (7 years ago)
hey man. i feel unwell man. EndlessZero blocked me. i guess i'll apolgoze to him. but i'll pologize to you too. sorry about my content. i'm not a creeper. i just been hurting in life alot from lot of past mistakes and verbal abuse due to me being a slow learner. i wish someone let him know i won't do them things. i promise. i love anime only, that's why i upload that too. i still have to apologize to you.
lemonboy1111 (7 years ago)
hey. i'm having nervous breakdown. i'm gonna see and ask jan to close my account. i'm just going through too much. now VideoGamerFan64 hardly speaks to me. so i'm just going to quit. i've made my decision. sorry for causing you and bradley trouble
TheVideoGamer64 (7 years ago)
Hey buddy congrats on reaching 60 subscribers. :)
lemonboy1111 (7 years ago)
hello. srry for coming at you. i usualy don't block people but i was upset. can you tell EndlessZero i said sorry? well...i upload stuff for fun. i guess he was sort of creeped out when he blocked me. i should have understnad. tell him i'm not that tpe of person. i just basically upload some animes for fun
lemonboy1111 (7 years ago)
back in them timelines, people who more strict and i use to hear people say negative things about me. i guess today's technology and gaming world is alot funner than back then. i hated the life where i grew up in. and sorry for talking too much. i just been feeling down alot.
lemonboy1111 (7 years ago)
i feel embarrass telling you. it's beggining to be hard. my mom wants me to be a responsible adult. but i lost alot of friends for lashing, i harding can concentrate anymore. i grew up where my dad use to scold at me alot and tell me to get married. i was 20 years old and couldn't handle it.
lemonboy1111 (7 years ago)
endlesszero should have know, i'm always hurting. he tell me to get married. my mom told me to marry christian girl. people do have habits of telling others what to do "don't watch videogames" "don't watch anime". i can't handle that kinda lifestyle :(
lemonboy1111 (7 years ago)
it's useless. i tried talking to EndlessZero and he blocked all of my accounts :(
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