Colton Remington 🇺🇸
ColtonRemington Joined: Dec 03, 2023 Last Sign In: 2 days ago Subscribers: 10 Video Views: 799 Channel Views: 724
Age: 20
Country: United States
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Recent Activity
ColtonRemington Ever since the line fire happened over in our area/county, My older brother Dalton and I are both temporarily staying as guests inside of a friend's house for the rest of September. A friend of Dalton's that is. (2 days ago)
ColtonRemington My older brother finally joined the internet over a month ago. This is something I forgot to point out. (2 days ago)
ColtonRemington Fuck Kristen Bell and her 44th Birthday. (2 months ago)
ColtonRemington commented on a video (2 months ago)
SoniaFatale1 dies in a motorcycle c...
@RETURNOFVIDBLUE No the fuck it isn't, Stupid. The one who should quit VidLii is you, Unoriginal content creating douchebag.
ColtonRemington commented on a video (2 months ago)
SoniaFatale1 dies in a motorcycle c...
This video also belongs to me as well, Not you. Stop stealing other peoples' FlashThemes videos already you unoriginal content creator nigger.
Channel Comments (20)
ColtonRemington (5 months ago)
You know what? There is no point of me to continue in this shitty war for any longer.

So I've made my own decision that I'll fuck off from the shitty war for good. Strict moderation systems on social media and shitty lies made by assholes are the reasons behind it.

I'm done! This shithole has affected several peoples' mental healths.
ColtonRemington (5 months ago)
Dave Morrison 🇺🇸 the Vietnamese suspending GoFag got what he deserved. Getting suspended on MeWe.

That's for fucking up 3 of my friends' MeWe accounts by committing a reporting spree against them. As well as doing it against the other haters of yours as well.
ColtonRemington (5 months ago)
I am thinking about retiring from the war soon. But for now, I'll still participate being in it.
ColtonRemington (6 months ago)
Here are the 2 copycodes to my FlashThemes avatar.

With the cap:

Without the cap:
ColtonRemington (6 months ago)
Michael Bonchano is a lazy slacker. For he wastes his pathetic life making pointless payback videos on the 3 same people (including the Vietnamese 12-year old GoFag) by using FlashThemes nonstop instead of going after his other targets like myself.
ColtonRemington (6 months ago)
I'm using YouTube, No more.

Reasons are all clear.
MrPlayVidlii (7 months ago)
ColtonRemington (7 months ago)
Even though making a sexual harassing FlashThemes video on Lynnkyia Brown counts as crossing the line, But I'm still going to plan on making it no matter what!
ColtonRemington (7 months ago)
Fallout Fanatic 2007 The Vyonder (Christian Peter Griffin Brock) had the nerve to discover me on VidLii like the TentAnimation alt calling nigger he is.
ColtonRemington (9 months ago)
That's right, Morons. Despite opening up a new YouTube channel, I have arrived onto VidLii as an alternative to YouTube.

Anyways, Time for me to continue doing my thing of harassing morons on here
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