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CrystalFairy Joined: Aug 02, 2017 Subscribers: 177 Channel Views: 4,335
Age: 34
well,ive been around since 2011,looking for a better place to stay,after the youtube went downhill.
I was on zippcast,vstreamrs,and
its been quite a long journey...

i will use this place for chatting,relaxing,nostalgia etc.
im also gonna upload something if i have time
lets have fun together folks

i love anime♥

im from japan. i dont speak english well

Country: Japan
Interests: anime,manga,music,singing songs,strolling,relaxing,sleeping
Music: any kind of music. from old ones to the recent ones
Books: dont read books Lol.mostly manga
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Deleted Video
Deleted Video 27 years ago
Channel Comments (498)
PhysicalMediaGuy64 (6 years ago)
Thanks. Did anything fun today?
PhysicalMediaGuy64 (6 years ago)
Cool and I'm doing good, just relaxing and waiting for my aunt to come to the house at the moment. :)
SorteKat (6 years ago)
Dropping by with greetings from us both. Hope you have a great day.
darkwalker (6 years ago)
A very Impressive video, music, and page! Do you mind me asking how you made the video? was it Final cut, or Adobe? What about the music, who is playing? It's very nice about exactly opposite to my page.
Gosamaru (6 years ago)
Good to be back.
PhysicalMediaGuy64 (6 years ago)
You're welcome and nah you're not awkward buddy. :) How are you today?
ww2 (6 years ago)
nice channel
4dojo (6 years ago)
I'm not too worried about it. As long as getting rid of already deleted accounts is the only new thing, it shouldn't be too big of a problem.
UltimateStarWarrior (6 years ago)
So Video Game Music and J-pop Music should be allowed to fall under fair Use,just as long as you creatively edited the video.
UltimateStarWarrior (6 years ago)
Yeah,I noticed,to be honest,AM is no better than Allision was when he used to be in charged,Allision banned over 40 users on here for the heck of it for his own petty amusement,while AM,he's laying down the law which people aren't able to upload any kind of Music on here,because I garantee that if you try to upload any touhou music on here,it's gonna get taken down in a heart beat like most video game music on here. I mean even Youtube allows it with no problem so video game and Jpop music shoul
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