It was because of something from seventh grade. someone came up to my in the hall and said. "You're a bagel." So everyone started calling me that. the THE part is because oddly, there are other "bagel"s. So I use thebagel264. And it just sounds good. I could have "hunterbadass" but thats to full of myself. I mean I know i'm good but come on. So that is why. Its an unique name and is pretty funny.
dick2(7 years ago)
It was because of something from seventh grade. someone came up to my in the hall and said. "You're a bagel." So everyone started calling me that. the THE part is because oddly, there are other "bagel"s. So I use thebagel264. And it just sounds good. I could have "hunterbadass" but thats to full of myself. I mean I know i'm good but come on. So that is why. Its an unique name and is pretty funny.
dick2(7 years ago)
Look at this fag make inaprorpriate content ;)
P0ser(7 years ago)
Look at this fag make inaprorpriate content ;)