praeludium(2 years ago)
Of course I was! I was a little older, around 16-18 years old by those times.
The people, the designing, the conversations, I think all in the golden era were everything.
I like this channel design of yours! Very 2010, lol.
CoffeeDrops(2 years ago)
Valentine's day is ASS, but you aren't !! ♡
SakumatoChan(2 years ago)
aww ofc ! ^^ I actually wanna to make new friends on Vidlii, it is nice to meet you !!
and ... o - oh ? 👀 I see you are also a Sakura fan as well too ? ayye , nice ! it's good to see someone who is a fan of her!
Taichi(2 years ago)
he put his heart, soul, blood and sweat into this then XD
Taichi(2 years ago)
yooo your profile swag has leveled up!
Taichi(2 years ago)
but... MOOOM D:
*sweet home alabama starts playing*
Taichi(2 years ago)
Damn your German is getting good ouo