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EvesGarden's Channel
EvesGarden Joined: Nov 16, 2024 Subscribers: 8 Video Views: 114 Channel Views: 195
I'd Rather Lose Myself In Passion, Than Lose My Passion

"Oh, you of wounded spirits, I offer you a place of rest; walk among my mountains, and climb to Eagles nest. Come swim amid my oceans, or feel my desert's fire. Sit beside running waters to reclaim your hearts desire. Seek my silent forests, or walk my open plains, travel the deepest jungles 'til you hear my loves refrain. I am always waiting to allow each child to heal, to cradle the wounded spirits, and teach them how to feel. I am the Earth Mother, who loves without regret, tending all my children, who through tears have paid all debts

♥♫♥♫♥ Life is for living,

Sing with your heart

Dance on your toes

Look up at the stars

Feel the wind in your hair

Let your mind drift away

never regret anything that made you smile.

✿ڿڰۣ—Have a Happy Day இڿڰۣ-ڰۣ—♥

I built a wall, not to keep people out, but to see who cared enough to climb over...
Country: United States
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Channel Comments (299)
MatthewRC (3 months ago)
Ill meet you over there later 🤍⃝🖤 have fun with those floors. Ill try n teach Chris how to fix his bg. I Just got some stuff done and now gotta take a chair to the dumpster. Tty soon Eve..
MatthewRC (3 months ago)
Yea i saw. I for one am glad you arent Melinia, cause if you were id be in serious trouble lol.
DonaldgTrump (3 months ago)
We have everything in Florida
DonaldgTrump (3 months ago)
No They would never do that. Dont worry. Theyre cute right. I call them the 3 amigos. The 3 amigos. No theyre not gonna bite me..i may appoint you to the DOAR.. department of animal resources. Animals like me. Theyve rejected the crazy green new scam from the crazy left..
MatthewRC (3 months ago)
Yea I know I was worried yesterday. I usually dont get like that but you disappeared the other night. im glad youre ok. I know the Lord will take care of you. I'm still human though. Btw "lil evie" is a nice name you should change it to that, or fox news lady lol.

tty soon angel.
MatthewRC (3 months ago)
MatthewRC (3 months ago)

( • ˣ • )
(☕️< )

Drinking a coffee right now.. Goodmorning Eve.
ChristopherAgain (3 months ago)
I almost missed your comment about your lung surgery. It makes sense now why you are afraid but yet there's nothing to be afraid of. Once you have the surgery you'll be relieved it's over. Lung related incidents I can imagine are pretty scary. You're lucky you got through that.
ChristopherAgain (3 months ago)
I didn't get any snow but it's really cold here. Yeah I think my feet will be fine. I'm sorry to hear about your back. Don't worry about going under. I had surgery on my knee and it went well. I wish you luck. At least you work from home. I lost my job due to Covid but I have other means of income due to the passing of my father. I will be returning to work come this February. I want to get into animal care. Do you have any pets? I hope you have a great Saturday :) Take care.
DonaldgTrump (3 months ago)
I have an important meeting tomorrow. me and my squirrels are out for justice. goodnight 👱🏼‍♂️
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