Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ. ҠᗩƝƊᗩƇЄ 🌟 The S T A R¸.¨*•★
Kandace's Channel
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Jan 01, 2018
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Please have fun here, and come back soon. (◠‿◠✿)

Hard core video lover here. I post my own original creative content videos of my Rants and movie reviews, Nature, the Universe, animals, relaxation and imagery, and other random things that i love. Please enjoy !




🌺 T h e ☆҈G O D D E S S ★ ɱαɠเ૮αℓ

⭐ Star-17 ☆彡 Eternal HOPE

❥ Ļ☆҈ѶԐ Is Aℓℓ WԐ NԐԐD ☸ڿڰۣ-


☼•* It is not so important what you think of me.
What you think of yourself is what really matters.

❀ ㄗЄA∁Є ☮ L☼√Ξ ❥ ╚ÍGH† ★ ℓเƒε ♡


ALL Languages and CHAT Welcome Here.

This Channel owner Speaks:


United States
Recent Activity
Kandace - Cheers for Tiger Woods who is back to playing professional golf against all odds: a debilitating physical challenge (his back surgeries), starting out as a teen among adult men players, a merciless news media and public concerning his private life, and bias from the establishment for his ethnicity. Whether he wins in the Masters Tournament this weekend or not doesn't matter. He is the greatest. Go Tiger ! (6 years ago)
Kandace Congratulations to the ROSEANNE revival TV show March 27, 2018. It got the highest ratings of any TV series in the past four years ! And it has already been renewed for next season as well ! Way to go Roseanne ! (6 years ago)
Kandace Hey y'all i'm back after nearly three weeks with the flu and ready to rock 'n Rant ! haha (6 years ago)
Kandace * I am a proud PARTNER channel with Vidlii as of February 21, 2018. Thank you all my friends and subscribers and to Vidlii ! * (6 years ago)
Kandace * Cheers to the Winter Olympics 2018. All the athletes are amazing. It is a pleasure to see such expertise in 'clean' and challenging sports with no large scale injuries from brute force sports. Its especially awesome as an American woman to see how great the female athletes are, as on a day to day basis their visibility is so rare. And the American females have won about 70% of my countrie's medals - As Usual. (6 years ago)
Channel Comments (333)
UltimateStarWarrior (6 years ago) hey Kandace,don't let these Jackass's get to you *hugs you* because in the end,they're not worth it which they're nothing more but a bunch of pathetic lifeless drones with no life what-so-ever. trust me,I've dealt with my fair share of assholes myself in the past,both on Vidlii,Youtube and deviantart. tobe honest,the internet in general is just getting so anti social these days,not just vidlii,and just remember,you still have good friends like us!
lemonboy1111 (6 years ago) i'm sure Jan doesn't allows it. everyone has freedom. but it's all about crossing the line. if humanity were to be stopped by everything, it would present as some for of control or favortism
VeryEmoBish (6 years ago) I heard about the troll thing or something like that. I'm sorry to hear that some assholes would do that to you. I hope you're okay. ~Sends hugs~
TrooperTru (6 years ago) Glad to see you're OK.
[very warm hugs]
RGIV (6 years ago) I'm very happy to know that ^_^
Thank you and Have a great New Week too my dear friend 🌞
TheVideoGamer64 (6 years ago) Aww thanks. I care about you too. You're a good friend of mine. :)
ATAndreiThomas (6 years ago) Yeah well I never asked for this, I rather not be well-known for all the negative shit that I received for more people to hate me. And I don't see myself famous for it, I just want to carry on doing things making new friends, building a better community on my channel and make decent video content of my speed Drawings and my future flash animations and well known for that. But in life there are some people just want to see innocent people like you and I crash and burn with our reputation intact.
TheVideoGamer64 (6 years ago) I'm glad that you're doing good. I'm doing good as well, and I'm still trying to find a job.
ATAndreiThomas (6 years ago) Hey thats a nice light aqua blue colour one your channel.
MrRonlivingstone (6 years ago) I've been fine. thanks :)
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