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MusicGirlYuzu Joined: Feb 23, 2023 Subscribers: 34 Channel Views: 837
Age: 27
Hi. I'm Yuzu. I'm bi sexual and am a big fan of YuGiOh and Marvel movies. I'm engaged to Kotori (love you baby).
Country: Cuba
Movies: YuGiOh DM, Zexal, and VRains, Fairy Tail, Bleach and Naruto/Shippuden
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Drew Pickles Goes To BJ'S From: DickaroniNCheeze
Views: 206
Comments: 1
Favorites (1)
Drew Pickles Goes To BJ'S
Drew Pickles Goes To BJ'S 5 years ago
Recent Activity
MusicGirlYuzu became friends with iceninekillsfan69 (4 months ago)
MusicGirlYuzu became friends with Saito (6 months ago)
MusicGirlYuzu became friends with Setsumaru (9 months ago)
MusicGirlYuzu became friends with bitviewsux (9 months ago)
MusicGirlYuzu became friends with Yuya (11 months ago)
Channel Comments (91)
CosmeticsCapitalist (2 years ago)
Oh yeah, bitch? You're a 25 year old woman bulldyke likely childless living with your parents still bitch and you call me a loser? I'm already married with a kid, a husband that's a fucking cowboy, and I also sometimes sell make up on the side! What the hell are you doing? Betting by that "MusicGirl" shit, I bet you're some bitch singing on the streets! Wouldn't be surprised if you're a fucking hippie!
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