NewHorizons's Channel
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Oct 13, 2024
United States
Channel Comments (23)
Pacer (10 hours ago) I was at The Starving Musician yesterday, which is a used music store where I buy most of my gear. I've been going there for years. Spent a good two hours playing a bunch of different guitars, and experimenting with some amps. The one standout was one by Boss. It's called Katana, and many does it sound great! So many cool onboard effects, and it's under $300. Definitely one to check out!
Pacer (10 hours ago) Oh yeah, I remember Green Jelly, with that song "Three Little Pigs". Good stuff! The Roughies are a local band. I love their humorous style, and they touch on lots of real life subjects. That song you commented on is probably the funniest song I have ever heard about Covid. It's just so spot on!
Pacer (10 hours ago) Any idea how to change the featured video if it's not the last upload?
Pacer (10 hours ago) I'll definitely keep you in my prayers!
Pacer (10 hours ago) I had a lot of dental work done when I was much younger, so I can tell you from experience it won't be as bad as you think. I had my wisdom teeth removed before they even developed, because the oral surgeon could see from my x-rays that my jaw would be too crowded if they were to be allowed to grow in normally. So they removed the tooth buds from the jaw. Fun stuff! I too was awake, slightly sedated, Novocain, and nitrous. I looked like a chipmunk for a week or so, but recovered fine.
Pacer (10 hours ago) Very cool b/g, but you have to change the comments text font color man. I can't read it, lol! It definitely sounds like you have a very busy but productive few days ahead. You are taking all of the right steps to make a better life for yourself, and I think that's great! Lack of sleep/broken sleep is so detrimental to our overall well being. It is crucial to get that sorted out as soon as possible. I take 'Midnight" which is basically melatonin on nights when I have trouble, and it works great.
Pacer (2 days ago) This place is running great, fingers crossed. The site speed is incredible in comparison to most others. This b/g is a good one!
Purity (2 days ago) Hey your channel is looking awesome, as always! I’m
so happy that so far, this place works. Is it windy by you? It was a glorious day to have the windows open and to not have to worry about the neighbors’ stinky air wafting into our house. The air quality is good too. It’s like being in the wilderness. I’m about to rest. Thanks again for your continued support over the years. I wish I still had access to my old lyrics videos. I should have saved them in a cloud. Enjoy your night!
Pacer (2 days ago) I'll be on later this evening to add more vids and watch yours on the big screen. The uploader is working like a charm. How long did you have to wait for it to convert? Last time (last month) it took hours!
Pacer (2 days ago) Yes, I want Blaine and a few others to come over. I made a channel for him but I don't think he is able to log in.
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