woojoke(3 weeks ago)
My appointment went okay but my internet has been off mostly all day!
CelestialDreams(3 weeks ago)
Watching how poorly the VA has treated my dad and other veterans is just one example. I can’t go along with the herd anymore, and that goes for both parties. My dad's treatment for cancer is on hold because of this flawed system.
CelestialDreams(3 weeks ago)
We’re living in some of the craziest times, and I don’t believe any party will actually help us out of this mess. I used to be a Republican, but things have swung too far to the extremes on both sides—the right has gone way too far right, and the left is too far left. For those of us who don’t vote, we’re left without a voice, but at this point, I don’t trust the government or much of anything about this country anymore.
jay142(3 weeks ago)
i made a major rookie mistake, repeated during my late shifts. i don't have coffee after 10pm so i can sleep quick once i get home. and this week i've been drinking a substitue for coffee and last night while laying wide awake for a few hours, i realized my bevereages this week were laced with caffiene, DUHHHHHHHHHHHHH, i'm not even going to tell ! too effin retarded, speaking of retarded, i was watching a kamela interview
CelestialDreams(3 weeks ago)
It's absurd—they’re actually asking me to prove my citizenship! At first, I thought it was a joke, but they’re completely serious. I was born in Kansas and have been a U.S. citizen my whole life, yet now they’re demanding I provide proof? Meanwhile, undocumented people seem to get free hotel stays, free food, and plenty of other support, but those of us who were born and raised here are the ones being questioned. I hope they realize how ridiculous this is once they get my information.
jay142(3 weeks ago)
i forgot about this site, work is good, very fun but i do 5pm to 2:30am, kinda whacky, but i like it, more later !
woojoke(3 weeks ago)
I didn't watch the game but saw the final score and going by their win/loss records the wrong team won!?! I'm feeling better every day and have an appointment with a lung doc at ten this morn. I've already had x-rays and know i don't have cancer so i be cool:) YIKES!! your b/g frightens me!!
woojoke(3 weeks ago)
I googled Bobby's LOUD shot and even got to see it's bottom of the 9th Pennet winning HR! Very cool!
JustAngie(3 weeks ago)
well that lasted all of 5 seconds. Oh well
JustAngie(3 weeks ago)
interesting. I enabled snow, and now my video autoplays on my channel. Oh well, guess it's gonna be snowing a lot back at mine lol