Prankster Joined: Aug 15, 2019 Last Sign In: 1 day ago Subscribers: 86 Video Views: 17,284 Channel Views: 1,440
Age: 19
Welcome to my channel.

You'll find lots of war songs here, mainly Bosnian since I'm trying to archive a lot of wartime Bosnian songs, so that they will not be lost.

YouTube deletes a lot of them, and I've decided that I'm going to upload the songs all in one place, VidLii.
Country: Germany
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Prankster commented on a video (3 weeks ago)
The Winter War
@LanXoabTheGoose The Winter war was very costly for the Soviets, since they declared a senseless war on a neighboring country in order to “protect ...
Prankster commented on a video (1 month ago)
Rip tesak :(
@OskarDirlewanger Dumbest shit I've ever read. There are no "Slavic" or "Germanic" genes, since those genes can vary from population to population an...
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Moon Man - The Down Fall Of Blacks ...
@Mormon Tf are you talking about?
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Fuck Israel and it's people
@Qutham I've been trying to investigate the story of the Jews, but I don't really trust the media and what is being spewed on the internet. I'd really...
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Proving that holocaust is fake 4 years ago
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Fuck Israel and it's people 11 months ago
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nigger cattle ultimatum 4 years ago
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Roki Vulovic - Pavlovica Cuprija 4 years ago
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Prankster (5 months ago)
Damn, you wrote an essay about China.
LanXoabTheGoose (5 months ago)
(dont mention 4th June, or Deng xiaoping and Li peng will reward you a T-54 then u will kiss the earth lol
LanXoabTheGoose (5 months ago)
in 1976, three impotant chinese politicians died(Mao zedong, Zhouenlai and Zhude), and Deng xiaoping set a coup in Huairentang to arrest Gang of 4(Jiang qing and Wang hongwen in Go4 were possibly the succesor of Mao),After the three of the 11th National Congress in 1978, the Mao era ended.
In 1966-1971, about 0.7 million people died of the criticize, also a tragic era, but better than Chiang.
Since 1978, the revisionists took in charge and did what Hruchev and Tito did
LanXoabTheGoose (5 months ago)
Also first chinese hydrogen bomb was also made boom in 1967.
The worst time is between 1967-1969, the red guard went beating, smashing, looting and burning, many famous ppl got killed from this(famous writers lke Lao She and Fu lei died of it)
In 1971, Lin biao was about to assasinate Mao but failed, so he tried to flee to USSR by a jet, but crashed in Mongolia(Probably Lin is 2 hurry so he didnt let crews to add enough fuel, or the plane got boom boom)
LanXoabTheGoose (5 months ago)
Mao thought that Capitalists like Liu Shaoqi and Deng xiaoping(remember this guy) will take in charge of PRC Government, so started the CR. in the beginning 2 years, Deng was sent to countryside and Liu died("accused by red guards"said by China government now), but outside Mainland there are also movements influenced by Mao thought(like “3rd december" incident in Macau, under portugues control, "1967 Hong kong incident" , "allcom struggle movements"in Japan etc.)
LanXoabTheGoose (5 months ago)
so factories were crazy to produce steel(Some of the steel produced is unqualified and becomes scrap), and massive drought disaster caused little farms can grow. In 1961, after Mao held the 7000-people-congress, everything got much better. (Maybe before Mao's death China did overtook UK but failed to overtake USA, sigh)
The Cultural Revolution[1966-1976(one word is 1966-1971, after LinBiao's death)], also called the Ten years of passionate revolution.
LanXoabTheGoose (5 months ago)
Speaking of Chairman Mao, even im not a communist, I still admire him.
First of all, I born in China, and I learned a lot of texts and songs about Chairman Mao when I was in primary school.
He has very strong leadership skills. For During the Long March(1933-1936) and the establishing PRC, also the Three-transformations can show it(52-56).
Well about the Three-year-disaster(1958-1960),about 6 million died, part of it is Mao's fault, He want to overtake UK and US by steel producing and Economy
Prankster (5 months ago)
@LanXoabTheGoose Bro got educated about Serbia

Yes, that is all true. Tito implemented Market Socialism in Yugoslavia. He was a communist, but had his own version of socialism that mixed with capitalism, just like Mao Zedong had his own version of socialism and both China and Yugoslavia didn't ally with the USSR.

And yes, Tito was a revisionist. The thing is, he put all of the people that said something slightly off about Yugoslavia on to "Goli Otok", it was an island for torture.
LanXoabTheGoose (5 months ago)
Read the history of Serbia again, found that Tito isnt a true communist,After building up Yugoslavia, Tito killed many Leninists(pro stalinists)and former Titoist partisans, and used market economy to stable his country, which caused the bad relationship btw YUG and USSR since 1948.
And his policy of nationalities and religions is extreme(like there arent so many Serbs, Shkirs, Bosans, and about the Christian orthodox and Islam)
All in all, i think Tito isnt a good leader, hes a revisionist
Prankster (5 months ago)
@LanXoabTheGoose Understandable, sorry for bothering you.
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