RandomUser34's Channel
Channel Views:
Jul 17, 2018
Last Visit Date:
1 year ago
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Channel Comments (30)
ilovebigblackcocks92 (1 year ago) Ok communist
RandomUser34 (1 year ago) @Totenkopkampf Also you're one to talk about "executions", when the Nazis were infamously genocidal to the point that they hurt their own war effort. And before you go screeching about "zionist propaganda", the Holocaust was real, Heinrich Himmler himself admitted it in 1943
RandomUser34 (1 year ago) @Totenkopkampf The media hates communism lmao

Where do you think the "100 million dead" got popularized from? Where do you think the notion of the DPRK being some totalitarian hellscape came from? You are literally repeating mainstream media talking points and then acting like you're some kind of free thinker
negative (1 year ago) hi
Totenkopkampf (1 year ago) @RandomUser34
But, the commie are more giving of media lies. You are too opponent on the civilization.

How sad. You don't see stalin kikk their own people or even high command to protect the wealth and power. It's that's name of freedom if this happen to you?
Lets say; If you are general on soviets union and you can't take back Stalingrad, what will you do?

Ofc, stalin will gonna execute you for not getting back Stalingrad.
RandomUser34 (1 year ago) @AlabamaNebba Oh, you lived under communism? Well then it's a damn shame the secret police didn't know about your degenerate ideas!
RandomUser34 (1 year ago) @Totenkopkampf Race is a bourgeois delusion, and I don't give a shit how many people the DPRK "oppresses", the media constantly lies about them and the ends justify the means anyways
iamGAY30 (1 year ago) @RandomUser34 Thats fucking bullshit all communist people are lazy blue haired fucks who think the retarded communist ideologies will fix their lives and there fucking wrong you are fucking wrong do you know all the people who died for nothing? hitler was amazing he cared about his people unlike you faggots you killed ur own race and there was still racism in communist countries try working from the age of 6 and do hard labour and then see if u like the communism bullshit
iamGAY30 (1 year ago) U faggot ass bitch in albania they made kids work hard labour from the age of 6 u faggot ass bitch so many people suffered i was born in that terror and here are you glorifying it, be ashamed u communist faggot get on the fucking gas chaimber hitler killed jews but he did nothing to his own people i am white and proud long live germany
Totenkopkampf (1 year ago) Being commie, huh?
Is it fun being a commie and do the genocide on your own brothers? Is it good if you support Kim jong un for your country and oppress people?

It's that fun? I hope not.
Because being a commie make your stay away at your own religion. Also, being a commie are bad because execution are also bad at all.

Come on. Stand up and stop being commie.
Protect your country and your own race. We don't have problem with your own race but if you be a commie, you are the worse one.
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