the color white is good brighter black sucks
commie0 Joined: Jul 05, 2024 Last Sign In: 1 week ago Subscribers: 53 Video Views: 743 Channel Views: 301
Age: 19
remember we are individual not group of people
many believe they are black white asian hispanic
spic mexican.. i am not racist when it come to jews
jew promote black and white porn but not for themselves israel does not allow anyone in.
if you are not a jew, built wall around them.
jew and goy .. two different kind of people
the rich and the poor the few own all. we are slave. fighting over our difference.
why dont jews mix with arabs fuck them jews
Country: Afghanistan
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Channel Comments (51)
samanthathefaggot (2 months ago)
You're a pedophile, i hope you fucking neck lol jk this is a troll account btw im carrex your gay lover hi
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