incel's Channel
incel Joined: Mar 19, 2023 Last Sign In: 3 weeks ago Subscribers: 47 Channel Views: 1,037
Age: 16
Country: United States
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Channel Comments (160)
liargeist189 (2 months ago)
You are judgemental and could be wrong about it take more time not rush into saying everyone ignore me they are broken.. unhappy confused and have addiction to video
gore.. gaming. porn video online not here.. pornhub.. stop being narrow minded.
liargeist189 (2 months ago)
The best way to control opposition is to lead them they still sheep just know they been lie to alex jones is no hero i am .. a real one
a dangerous person ..
resistance. i aint giving up until i am dead
i fight to the death. to the bitter end. I will decide the future. by being myself.
liargeist189 (2 months ago)
speak out
make change.
dont be a flock of sheep lead by wolves.. biden, trump are just assholes lol they dont care about us but each other. most are retarded dont know their lying but i do.
liargeist189 (2 months ago)
i have a few choice..
1. fight for our rights.
2. leave this site..
3. ignore like you and hope thing get better.
i choose 1.
liargeist189 (2 months ago)
We are suppose to get along learn from each other not fight over our difference
judge and many do so it hard to get along.. debate. trolling.. hate video.
name calling. apathy is the result. a mess. chaotic. troll site. no one seem to care.
liargeist189 (2 months ago)
if i am like you 2048bytes i wont be a better person live in fear of disapproval.
it the fear of other not liking what you do
i dont need their permission.. may i. what that make me.. a slave to slave user
2nd class slave. mod work for owner lol is admin who rig this site such as
you cant sign up because you got too many account happy now..
liargeist189 (2 months ago)
Let me do my job and dont get in my way. imagine me fixing laptop you say someone can do better you better not so i do nothing and have to pay some to do it..when i can do better myself. learning experience. you are afraid of change. fear of others not liking.
liargeist189 (2 months ago)
Your opinion some disagree like me i know what i am doing and quite amusing
you are like most user here.. you care what other think way more then i think or individual. hive mind madness. you have few friend that think like you as well
group think..
i am smarter than you think.. you wrong about me. i do what do because it fun.
liargeist189 (2 months ago)
Do vidlii need me or i need it or i am good for vidlii
liargeist189 (2 months ago)
thx for being a friend. i am just talkative some see me as drunk..
schizo annoying but its a good thing. i felt like quitting vidlii for awhile
due to the drama and some cant understand me.
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