jjay Took my final dump. Once my parents smell it, I'll make like my brain and split. (6 years ago) |
jjay I believe this weekend, I will finally stop being a pervert towards women. Need to grow myself a plum tree so I can make my friends take dumps during the summer season. I'm craving plums, but i only have $0.25 and a sidewalk. (6 years ago) |
jjay Am I bitter that i no longer take big dumps? Hell no. I'm not edray1416. I'm not Vailskibum94. I'm not Clay Claymore. Enjoying apples is saving me from going back to saying N****r (6 years ago) |
jjay my final dump will not require a lot of effort, mostly because i only ate 2,000 plums instead of the usual 1,000,000. With me wanting to eat these yellow and black things people call bees more, I don't see why I should continue after Friday. (6 years ago) |
jjay I do not regret my decision to stop taking dumps. This was a long time coming. I allowed the pressures of shit coming down my rectum take a toll on me. (6 years ago) |