CalvitoSexual(2 years ago)
I suck your fucking dick ok?
rocketman(2 years ago)
i swear did you cut the pfp
TCB94(2 years ago)@yurmom4@mp3warrior2003 Good point, you too. Still, I can see two things with illusion, but it MUST be a lamp.
Striker(2 years ago)
i think thats a... tahts uhhh something i think
onyx413(2 years ago)
its definitely a lamp, if someone were in that position with the same clothes, the white top would be shadowed
rocketman(2 years ago)
its definently a lamp since you never have a.... sausage of that shape and if you had a pfp like you would be banned QUICKLY (atleast i think)
TCB94(2 years ago)@yurmom4 I think it's a lamp, I'm not sure. I can see two things with illusion... O_O