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woojoke's Channel
woojoke Joined: Sep 16, 2024 Subscribers: 9 Video Views: 242 Channel Views: 133
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Channel Comments (48)
JustAngie (4 months ago)
I find the savenet extension the easiest. But today I keep getting error messages with uploads so I give up for now. Anyway hopefully your Mrs can sort it out for you. Once you know how, then you'll be a pro at it
JustAngie (4 months ago)
or there's this it's an add on. You can get it for Firefox and Chrome. This one's for firefox. It will be added as an extension. Then you'll see a green arrow under your youtube videos to download. This one is for chrome It's simple, you just install then refresh the page
JustAngie (4 months ago)
Hi mate. Rob said you need help with saving videos? Ok, I usually use sites like this But there are others. Type in on Google Youtube to mp4 converter. Paste the link where it says then download it to your computer then upload it here.
AnalogKid (4 months ago)
So..who are you picking to win the World Series?
JustAngie (4 months ago)
it's very smoky today. There's obviously a bushfire somewhere. I'll take the snow because I've only seen snow once in my life
JustAngie (4 months ago)
oh ok, I wasn't thinking. Yeah to be hit by this so soon after mum is unbelievable
JustAngie (4 months ago)
Damn damn, what did you do? lol
JustAngie (4 months ago)
Thanks mate. We also just got some not so good news about my disabled sister. It never rains but it pours
ComedyCorner (4 months ago)
Let's get some laughs going!
JustAngie (4 months ago)
This site has changed a bit since I was last here. It used to have banners, which seem to be gone. Anyway it's good to get back into things, even if it's when I feel up to it. Most days I'm struggling to bother with anything, but I guess that's to be expected. Anyway good to hear from you, and chat soon
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