My microphone test with using HyperX Cloud II headset.
By. 1Sam30IARocks
6 years ago - 105 views
6 years ago - 105 views
So, my mom spent $3000 dollars at Microsoft Store, but she will give my sister a Surface Book. Also, I only brought a gaming headset in...
Microphone Test [CRINGE ALERT]
By. Suedeash
7 years ago - 69 views
7 years ago - 69 views
I wanna make videos, but I'm 12 and I live with my parents - wat do?
microphone test
By. braveface719
6 years ago - 53 views
6 years ago - 53 views
please net me know if this mic comes off as better than the headset mic setup I was using that made me sound like I had marbles in my m...
Mic Test (VidLii Exclusive)
By. SneakyVanilla
6 years ago - 44 views
6 years ago - 44 views
Just ignore this video if you want. Nothing special.
Edit: I made this video VidLii Exclusive because I felt like it lol.
Sparkle {Microphone ready now.}
By. Aaronshy
6 years ago - 44 views
6 years ago - 44 views
My fave story. Microphone working now to read it as close to properly as I can.
A Review on The Pyle Yeti Dynamic Microphone
By. Aaron12346718
6 years ago - 25 views
6 years ago - 25 views
this is a Review of the Pyle Yeti Dynamic Microphone it is a good mic for the money and i would recommend Getting an XLR cable since th...
New Microphone Test
By. Twilyx360
3 years ago - 28 views
3 years ago - 28 views
AT20 Microphone Test. I hope it works, and if there is any tips you guys think I should do with it. Text that in the comments of this v...