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Me at the zoo
Me at the zoo By. jawed
7 years ago - 9,724 views
The first video on YouTube, uploaded at 8:27PM on Saturday April 23rd, 2005. The video was shot by Yakov Lapitsky at the San Diego Zoo.
Concorde taking off
Concorde taking off By. jawed
5 years ago - 175 views
Notice how quickly it takes off.
Extremely short runway 747 takeoff
Extremely short runway 747 takeoff By. jawed
5 years ago - 106 views
This was the first 747 passenger flight from Bournemouth Airport, UK, destination New York. Bournemouth has a short runway so this was ...
Computer-generated animation of water
Computer-generated animation of water By. jawed
5 years ago - 294 views
By Ron Fedkiw, Computer Science professor at Stanford. I picked the music for this video because I think it matches the video very, ver...
Yoda after grooming
Yoda after grooming By. jawed
5 years ago - 1,678 views
She always does this after she gets back home from grooming.