A Talking Cat?!
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A Talking Cat Obscurus Lupa and Nostalgia Critic Pt 1
A Talking Cat Obscurus Lupa and Nostalgia Critic Pt 1 By. AgentGrady
5 years ago - 1,077 views
The Nostalgia Critic and Obscurus Lupa Crossover where they review A Talking Cat
A Talking Cat Obscurus Lupa and Nostalgia Critic Pt 2
A Talking Cat Obscurus Lupa and Nostalgia Critic Pt 2 By. AgentGrady
5 years ago - 469 views
The Nostalgia Critic and Obscurus Lupa Crossover where they review A Talking Cat Part 2
A Talking Cat Obscurus Lupa and Nostalgia Critic Pt 3
A Talking Cat Obscurus Lupa and Nostalgia Critic Pt 3 By. AgentGrady
5 years ago - 484 views
The Nostalgia Critic and Obscurus Lupa Crossover where they review A Talking Cat Part 3