4dojo's Channel
4dojo Joined: Sep 03, 2017 Subscribers: 575 Video Views: 1,388 Channel Views: 14,380
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Country: United States
Occupation: Nurse
Schools: Orange County Community College
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Dancing Pecs From: 4dojo
Views: 215
Comments: 31
Videos (5)
Dancing Pecs
Dancing Pecs 1 year ago
I'll save You!
I'll save You! 1 year ago
Warp Pipe Perils: On Vidlii
Warp Pipe Perils: On Vidlii 6 years ago
Animated Shorts
Animated Shorts 6 years ago
Nobody Wants to be Luigi
Nobody Wants to be Luigi 6 years ago
Channel Comments (1,394)
MartinLuther (3 months ago)
Eric Dubay is a big liar.
MartinLuther (3 months ago)
Flat Earthers often push their agenda onto others, indicating they likely harbor their own agenda. The act of promoting their beliefs in such a manner reveals much about their motivations.
sturmtrophy189 (3 months ago)
i need more page view to feel happy haha
Iloveyouallblessingx (3 months ago)
the hell you are narrow minded. im not here to argue
take it or leave it okay
dont be a bully.
Iloveyouallblessingx (3 months ago)
The few control the many by lies and deception what so hard for you to understand you live in fantasy call the television. YT. propaganda. deception on all. seek the truth.
dont be intellectually lazy having a well paid job as nurse is not good enough.
Iloveyouallblessingx (3 months ago)
911 is a demolition the news are fake. a very smart person,. the world is full of idiots who dont know truth from lies.. just cause we have many idiots that dont mean their right about anything. like stock market. a scam. rigging. i never vote in my life.
Iloveyouallblessingx (3 months ago)
I been awake since y2k it a hoax. the earth is flat. research it. proven to be real.
eric dubay
odd tv
russianvids, mag bitter truth.. i am a seeker of truth, knowledge and understanding.
prove me wrong your job is not proof that science is real. you work to 65 year of age.
Iloveyouallblessingx (3 months ago)
the dose make the poison. over eating. eating disorder. but you see poison is poison in small or large amount you been taught the wrong thing. lol what you mean is eat in moderation.. would you eat urine and poop i dont think so. ha
Iloveyouallblessingx (3 months ago)
I almost got addicted for like a month or two. until i just stop completely
i dont need it. it taste like crap. i use it to wash clothes instead.
Iloveyouallblessingx (3 months ago)
i dont go along with that statement it like saying taste it a little then more and more that how dangerous it is.. either you drink or you dont.
a little poison can still add up over time. the saying dont start is true.
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