4dojo's Channel
4dojo Joined: Sep 03, 2017 Subscribers: 575 Video Views: 1,388 Channel Views: 14,380
I only chat via messages, so send me a message if you want to chat with me. My only rules are that your messages must be respectful and do not come to me to complain about things. If your messages are disrespectful or whiney I will not reply to them. Thank you.
Country: United States
Occupation: Nurse
Schools: Orange County Community College
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Dancing Pecs From: 4dojo
Views: 215
Comments: 31
Videos (5)
Dancing Pecs
Dancing Pecs 1 year ago
I'll save You!
I'll save You! 1 year ago
Warp Pipe Perils: On Vidlii
Warp Pipe Perils: On Vidlii 6 years ago
Animated Shorts
Animated Shorts 6 years ago
Nobody Wants to be Luigi
Nobody Wants to be Luigi 6 years ago
Channel Comments (1,394)
Iloveyouallblessingx (3 months ago)
when i was in school i was taught not to drink and drive.. it bad for us whether we drive or not. everyone drink except me i guess im the weird one.
Iloveyouallblessingx (3 months ago)
as for drinking. it is a poison. a by product of fermentation over long period. hence why it make us drunk slow us down and dangerous for driving a few beer can kill many in car accident.
make it illegal.
Iloveyouallblessingx (3 months ago)
i been away all day today. talking on telegram discord playing a an hour of gameranger.. fixing laptop kept me busy as bee.
Iloveyouallblessingx (3 months ago)
we need natural cure i dont believe in drugs. chemical are not natural.
it is artificial will never be good for us. side effect. a reaction.
lemonboy1111 (3 months ago)
you know? I hadn't been the best of person in life. I hope vidlii and bitview were to stop fighting. it's gaining nothing. although the gore's and porn should stop here though. and the users inside vidlii need to stop fearing. much of social media's dramas are related to rl. real life is much worse
Iloveyouallblessingx (3 months ago)
some like to judge by age, your a kid, an adult. middle age, an old person..
some say age in profile. i think most already know my age lol except a few.. who are new to my page.. a teen from 13 to 19.. 20 is adult but drinking is 21.
liargeist189 (3 months ago)
Fame is everything to me without fame I am nothing. lol
liargeist189 (3 months ago)
i like fame a lot lol
Iloveyouallblessingx (3 months ago)
You can avoid what is bad but you cannot legally buy marijuana.. as it is only for medical reason and expensive. which make no sense like prescription drugs anti depressant. to make a ton of money. also known as hemp.
Iloveyouallblessingx (3 months ago)
Have you been to nursing home to treat elderly those type are one the die faster.. due to smoking and smelly.. a nurse is doing the job of a doctor which are better paying job. doctor are treating symptom never cure anyone.
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