5k1ppy's Channel
5k1ppy Joined: Dec 17, 2023 Last Sign In: 9 months ago Subscribers: 2 Video Views: 482 Channel Views: 62
Age: 23
Country: United States
Interests: music :D
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Channel Comments
nobie137 (9 months ago)
Don't get it twisted, spam is uploading the same video over and over, uploading a lot of unique videos is called dumping.
I hope you can understand.
SergeantDrama (9 months ago)
Spam is when people are uploading videos at the same time, The spammer might spam diffrent videos (like how 5k1ppy is doing right now) or the same video.
I hope you can understand.
nobie137 (9 months ago)
Define "spam"
SergeantDrama (9 months ago)
Oi, You know you're spamming the whole website and it's against the rules... Right?
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