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ANTIFASlayer Joined: Sep 02, 2023 Last Sign In: 23 hours ago Subscribers: 28 Channel Views: 569
Age: 43
Greetings ladies and gents (fuck you leftists). I am the brother of RINOHunter, and I slay ANTIFA thugs that like to attack police officers and burn down cities. And I am a proud supporter of the SnyderVerse. I shall boycott James Gunn's new DCU for he is an employee of Disney here to sabotage DC.

And also fuck any big corporation/studio exec that thinks its okay to shit on the fans (looking at you Seth Rogen, James Gunn). The fans are the ones that buy toys and movie tickets, w/o them YOU ALL ARE NOTHING!!!
Country: Canada
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Jake Long Talks From: RINOHunter
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Jake Long Talks
Jake Long Talks 1 year ago
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ANTIFASlayer commented on a video (6 days ago)
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I like to be in your video. Maybe my army buddy can be in it too. He's gonna use Zuwijo Zwil Velgear from Go Rush. And don't worry, he's not a liberal...
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ANTIFASlayer became friends with GosamaruSama (10 months ago)
Channel Comments (96)
CosmeticsCapitalist (1 year ago)
I don't even know what that is, but knowing you, it's probably some manchild shit! And women don't watch stupid manchild shit! Good luck getting a blonde haired blue eyed woman like me when you watch stupid manchild garbage!
MexicanCapitalist (1 year ago)
I fucking hate Disney you piece of shit! You're lucky we're not in a bar room because I'd beat your fucking ass! Fucking comic book movies aren't awesome, it's time to grow up! I don't know who the fuck Ahsoka even is, and I don't jerk off, I fuck women! I bet you jerk off to anime little girls however, you piece of shit puto!
MexicanCapitalist (1 year ago)
Say that to my face you fucking incel! And what the fuck is the Snyderverse? I don't speak manchild terminology! But judging by your background, you're some dumb fuck idiot obsessed with comic books! Grow the fuck up!
CosmeticsCapitalist (1 year ago)
What the fuck are you talking about, you fucking manchild loser?
Hayate (1 year ago)
Well cool. Nice to meet you.
Rin (1 year ago)
Cool. Nice to meet you. It's good to see more people against ANTIFA and we also need a BLM Slayer. Let's face it, BLM is a scam as well.
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