MexicanCapitalist's Channel
MexicanCapitalist Joined: Jun 24, 2022 Subscribers: 8 Channel Views: 1,545
Age: 32
Country: United States
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Channel Comments (171)
Saito (2 weeks ago)
I can easily figure that out.
Saito (2 weeks ago)
And that's why I don't believe you. Expect a knock at your door from me, spic. We are going to deport your ass.
TheDirector (2 weeks ago)
Hey sexy, I see a lot of those racists want you to deported. Don't worry, come to my place and I'll make you tacos and protect you. ICE won't hurt you as long as I'm around.
Saito (3 weeks ago)
Illegal beaner. I work for ICE now. I am going to have you deported. Have a nice day.
Keisuke (3 weeks ago)
Got out of America and go back to Mexico, you wetback. If you don't comply, I will get ICE to make you leave.
Iloveyouallblessingx (4 months ago)
are you ok
AaronP (4 months ago)
He doesn't exactly look like someone who's appealing to women. He's got a repulsive personality in conjunction to that.
AaronP (5 months ago)
18 is close to 17 so it'd still be morally questionable even if someone over 30 got consent from an 18 year old. No 18 year old girl is asking for it from Mookie. Mookie's a 37 year old degenerate living off his mom. He's overweight and has an unappealing face. He doesn't even have a decent attitude to compensate for his failure as a man. It's certainly repulsive given the circumstances
AaronP (6 months ago)
Some 37 year olds provide for their parents. It's the other way around for him. He's 37 years old and his parents provide for him like he's a child. It's gross for someone like him to make unwelcome raunchy advances on a 16 or 18 year old. I believe that Marko girl was 16. I don't think anyone over the age of 30 should hit on a 17 or 18 year old.
AaronP (6 months ago)
Wolf Man is 37 years old. He still has his parents providing for his needs. His mom does indeed cook for him. He's also acted perverted towards an 18 year old girl. He's a massive degenerate as an individual. Unlike Gray Fox I wouldn't resort to racist insults against him. One of my other friends uploaded screenshots Instagram:
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