VeteranCapitalist's Channel
VeteranCapitalist Joined: May 23, 2023 Subscribers: 2 Channel Views: 554
Age: 70
Country: United States
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Channel Comments (40)
MaskedPonyALT (4 days ago)
OMG!!! You wouldn't believe this. But I know why you're so mad all the time. I had a dream you wanted to transition into a woman, but the military wouldn't let you, well guess what. When my friend Nick Adams becomes president, the Military will cover gender affirming care. You can finally kill HAMAs by shooting rockets out of your mangina. We'll call it The Veteran Capitalist Act. My daddy, Reverend Capitalist likes that idea. He's my father, I had a dream about it.
MarineCapitalist (1 month ago)
I wish that piece of shit WOULD FUCKING GO THE FUCK AWAY ALREADY! Blinken keeps the middle east in line, and we do not need him leaving! Trump would bow down to dictators! MAGA is basically a fucking cult, and anyone who's MAGA should admit it's a cult already! But we do need to get rid of MAGA! The fact they bash Megan the Stallion while they had Amber Rose speaking is telling! MAGA are a bunch of hypocrites! I don't want those fuckers in my party either! THEY THINK SIN IS IN!
NickAdamsAlt (1 month ago)
I will be your president and I will make gun violence and climate change a thing in the past. I'm an Alphamale who loves masturbating to Kamala Harris. I bet you're gonna have a heart attack when a black woman like Kamala becomes president.
MarineCapitalist (1 month ago)
You know he is! And this asshole below me is also a homo annoying piece of shit! I hope Blinken stays as Secretary of State too! AT LEAST WE'RE SHOWING THE WORLD WHO'S BOSS! Anyone who thinks we can sing kumbaya with dictators are the dumbest motherfuckers out there! MAGA are pieces of fucking shit! The republicans of today have absolutely no fucking values at all! It makes me sick! I'm sure some Bernie bros voted Trump when Bernie lost! IT MAKES ME SICK!
NickAdamsAlt (1 month ago)
I think its time Nick Adams Alphamale and Avenger run for president in 28. When I'm president I'm gonna arrest Clarance Thomas and Samuel Alito and replace them with Kyle Grass and Ilhan Omar. And I will send DHS to arrest Gunrange and Mechanic Capitalist for their crimes against children0 and polar bears. ADAMS/BLACK 28!!!!
MarineCapitalist (1 month ago)
He makes me sick too! He's a sick pedophile furry far as I'm concerned! We are in Idiocracy and it's sad! Now it's Kamala and stupid Trump! You're right, and if Trump is on office, we're going to look fucking weak as hell! You can kiss a good foreign policy goodbye if Trump is President! MAGA are a bunch of stupid pieces of grifting shit! That's just how low the democrats have stooped! IT MAKES ME SICK! That's true, many former Obama fans are now Trump fans!
GamblingCapitalist (1 month ago)
Fuck that stupid long haired anime tard! They wouldn't say any of the shit they're saying to us because they're FUCKING WEAK! It does require hard work and smarts! If these pricks wouldn't spend their money on stupid crap, they might be able to afford living on their own! Anime fruitified men, and it disgusts me! They are a waste of time, and so is living in lala land! You damn right if it doesn't make dollars, it doesn't make sense! Those tards should live by that advice!
NickAdamsAlt (2 months ago)
As a proud Alpha male and a lover of Nancy Pelosi's period blood hot wings, I condemn political violence. It is wrong and inhuman and I wish Trump a full recovery even though he's a Nazi that wants me dead. Anyways, DHS will be coming to pick up Gunrange Crapitalist, he will pay for all the gun violence. Also I love masturbating to Hocus Pocus.

Nick Adams- Alphamale, Avenger and Nancy Pelosi's Cochie slave. Oh God I love fucking Pelosi in the ass.
MarineCapitalist (2 months ago)
They are tard autists! Just like this stupid tard autist below me! All these tards disgust the fuck out me! The fact that Biden and Trump are the nominees is proof we're in Idiocracy! Once people like us take control of the Republican party again will be a very good thing! FUCK MAGA! And you're right, the GOP of today is the Democrat party of 2008! And you wonder why lots of MAGA are former Obama supporters!
GhostsPetWeasel (2 months ago)
Oh I will take your guns. And I'll take uour ammo and use it to make a giant statue of James Gunn. And you should vote for Biden, you traitor. He's endorsed by Jack Black, Robert De Niro and Mark Hamill. THOSE ARE REAL AMERICANS UNLIKE TRUMP AND JD VANCE!!!
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