The Base
BaseRecruiter Joined: Aug 11, 2019 Subscribers: 25 Video Views: 1,030 Channel Views: 265
The Base is an international survivalism & self-defense network, for nationalists of European descent. Join us to meet like-minded individuals, and learn the skills needed to survive in a world that wants you dead.

Join the Base, Save your Race.

Email: [email protected]
Gab: Regularly deleted by the "free speech" network (search for "The Base," routinely re-made)

Membership is open to European nationalists world-wide over the age of 17.
Country: Netherlands
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Subscribers (25)
What is The Base? From: BaseRecruiter
Views: 1,030
Comments: 2
Videos (1)
What is The Base?
What is The Base? 5 years ago