Gunawan092w's Channel
Gunawan092w Joined: Mar 15, 2022 Last Sign In: 1 week ago Subscribers: 3 Video Views: 19 Channel Views: 29
Age: 14
Country: Indonesia
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Gunawan092w commented on a video (1 week ago)
Installing ReactOS 0.4.14 Release 1...
@nobie137 hi, i don't even use vidlii anymore lol you could add me on discord if you want: @247hyped or telegram:
Gunawan092w commented on a video (1 year ago)
Installing ReactOS 0.4.14 Release 1...
@nobie137 cool and btw, that was a fast reply lol
Gunawan092w commented on a video (1 year ago)
Installing ReactOS 0.4.14 Release 1...
@nobie137 i don't know. sorry
Gunawan092w became friends with Brightsoft (1 year ago)
Gunawan092w became friends with CJSL2018 (2 years ago)
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