Let's trigger the whole world one pubic hair at a time.
KaiserT Joined: Aug 31, 2018 Subscribers: 7 Video Views: 101 Channel Views: 145
Age: 34
It's me, KaiserT.
Country: United States
Occupation: A fucking bum who looks at too much anime tiddies.
Schools: High School, Some college
Interests: I'm a fucking freaky geek
Movies: Whatever I think is good
Music: Classical, japanese anime and games, 80's music in general
Books: Meh
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Subscribers (7)
The Pitfalls Of Harem Anime From: KaiserT
Views: 101
Comments: 4
Videos (1)
The Pitfalls Of Harem Anime
The Pitfalls Of Harem Anime 6 years ago
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