About LaftingCord21
Hello everyone, and welcome to LC21!
I upload bad videos, mostly consisting of my thoughts on the different things that are happening around Vidlii. These range from videos about different users, to new updates on Vidlii, and sometimes even news outside of Vidlii. There may be a gaming video on this channel from time to time, but my main focus on this channel is awfulness.
So if you dislike what you see here, feel free to UNSUBSCRIBE to not see all of my latest videos, right when they come out!
PC Specs:
Samsung Camera
4KB of RAM
What I use to make my videos:
I Record My Screen With My Phone:
Gameplay recording
Unregistered Hypercam 2:
Desktop recording/screenshots
Hiding My Mic Behind My Chin:
Audio recording
Windows Movie Maker:
Video editing
Microsoft Paint: