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ila721ThePriest (4 years ago)
i've updated the blog and the pictures and stuff now. it doesn't have my clan tag on it.

ila721ThePriest (4 years ago)
i get these random trolls attacking me. i'm not going to lie here. the whole mratandreithomas just set the nail in the coffin. bring up deviantart draw bringing up i'm still starting dramas? there is trolls that's been impersonating me! i've been getting my time off from vidlii for the longest. i don't care about none of it. if u want to do whatever lol. if you wanna go down the route of hate or whatever i don't care. they can. however... as of today i've left the flasheme mafia. i've updated th

ila721ThePriest (4 years ago)
this vide. it's deep. i really debated whether i should post it. i'm not going to say i regret it because i think a lot of it will resonate with ppl, but yeah, i know people will say this isn't helping anybody. it probably isn't. i honestly don't care about it. there's too much else going on to let that junk bother me. i don't have time for that garbage. i'm gonna be all over this earth while i still can. please stop nagging me for the next 13 months. i need time to heal. i'll be here.

ila721ThePriest (4 years ago)
i don't care about the controversal nased on political standards. my life experience. a lot of us wrestle with inner demons. spiritual battles that not everyone will understand. it sucks how everytime i make videos, i get these random trolls attacking me. i'm not going to lie here. the whole mratandreithomas just set the nail in the coffin. bring up deviantart draw bringing up i'm still starting dramas? there is trolls that's been impersonating me! i've been getting my time off from vidlii
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