I'm also sorry to here that your real life has been in such Termoil buddy which It saddens me to here that people in real life are now treating you like trash which you always try your hardest to make new friends Buddy. I'm so glad to here from you again buddy *hugs you* but to be honest,I'm also getting to the point where I'm losing interest in these social media sites in general,I don't even have the passion to reupload all my old Fox Kids Videos anymore. btw buddy,Kylee the Youkai also misse
I know what you mean buddy,Social Media in general is Going downhill fast and these sites are now absolute Trash Especially This Site and Deviantart.
but one good thing which the only good decent thing I'm now happy about this week right now is that Iloveanime721 finnally got banned from here from all the drama he kept causing on this site recently and I say good Riddiance to that bastard which I hope to god he stays off the internet for good for his own Sake.
Which everyone on there treats me like absolute crap for no reason at all and favor they're other popular friends better when I've done nothing wrong towards them which All I try to do is to make some new friends which all they do is ignore me like if I'm boring to them. Help me buddy........
hey BUddy,I miss you so much which you mean more to me than I can now imagine before *hugs you tightly*
I'm so sorry for always being so moody lately but my holidays were pretty much ruined last year and I now have fears people will forget my birthday this year because no matter what I do,I just can't seem to make any new friends at all on deviantart
(with the exceptions of JasonAnime,Kate,Hyuugachick,ect) everyone else on that site is a selffish inconsiderate Jackass on there which everyone
Continue: I'm so sick to death of this faggot and his asskissing fanbase full of Catdog haters and Wannabes. theres way too many Mr Enter faggots infesting that site which smaller content creators like me,you,Kate and PenelopeHamuchan no longer have a chance anymore. *hugs you*
I know what you mean Buddy and I remember her,PenelopeHamuChan also at least remembered me unlike most of these Jerkoffs like Gabby and Dark Konoichi who treat me like a ghost like absolute crap which they blantly ignore me in favor of the popular crowd and these unfunny memes.
the reason why we never get appriciation for our hard work Buddy because that Douchebag Faggot Mr Enter also has a deviantart account
I';m so sick to death of this faggot and his asskiss
i do too a long time ago :P