Leet-Hound's Channel
LeetHound Joined: May 24, 2018 Last Sign In: 3 years ago Subscribers: 7 Video Views: 271 Channel Views: 190
Age: 32
Nintendo, and PC Gaming
Country: United States
Occupation: Security Guard
Interests: Video Games, Politics, Religion, Martial Arts,
Movies: Glory (Civil War-Film) Band of Brothers, Cobra Kai, Karate Kid, The Matrix, District 9
Books: 1611 King James Bible, Noah Websters American Dictionary of the English Language, Aesops Illustrated Fables,
Contact Leet-Hound
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Recent Activity
LeetHound became friends with TheVideoGamer64 (6 years ago)
LeetHound became friends with Hachiman (6 years ago)
Channel Comments (4)
TheVideoGamer64 (6 years ago)
Cool. My favorite system of all time is the Nintendo 64. :)
TheVideoGamer64 (6 years ago)
You're welcome and that's good. I'm doing good as well, just relaxing at the moment. I see that you love video games. What's your favorite video game system of all time?
TheVideoGamer64 (6 years ago)
Nice channel. How are you today?
Hachiman (6 years ago)
Welcome to Vidlii. c:
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