Home of Toast.
LegoNinja2K Joined: Jan 15, 2019 Last Sign In: 5 years ago Subscribers: 1 Video Views: 68 Channel Views: 67
Age: 24
The Alt of TheToaMaster.
Country: United States
Interests: Drawing, making videos, reading, messing about with MIDIs.
Movies: Murder on the Orient Express (1974), Hunt for Red October, LEGO Movie
Music: Classic Rock.
Books: Majority are graphic novels, too many to list.
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My Perspective on Memes From: LegoNinja2K
Views: 68
Comments: 1
Videos (1)
My Perspective on Memes
My Perspective on Memes 5 years ago
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LegoNinja2K commented on a video (5 years ago)
My Perspective on Memes
@CoreMaster2009 I concur. And thank you!
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