MZzz's Channel
MZzz Joined: Jul 18, 2022 Subscribers: 104 Video Views: 966 Channel Views: 6,643
I have resisted innumerable calls over the past month to prohibit these monkey videos

I appreciate it- lolwut
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Channel Comments
Lilbittychick86 (6 months ago)
Except he's not banned " faggot" rolls eyes... sorry bout your luck bitch boi
Lilbittychick86 (6 months ago)
OMG, look at all the fucking bridges that aren't being guarded by there TROLLS RIGHT NOW!! Fucking KARENS galore dude. People HELL BENT on getting their TWATS IN A KNOT!! Because we despise these rats for the DISGUSTING, SELFISH, ENTITLED,RAPE HAPPY PIECES OF SHIT that they are, we are deemed despicable... How do you sleep at night they say? I sleep BEAUTIFUL knowing that one more of these diseased shits isn't going to rip another new born HUMAN BABY from its mothers arms, dragging it several
TopGnome (1 year ago)
Why are third worlders such disgusting and immoral people? You're closer to the monkeys you torture than to real humans
pacocarlos044 (1 year ago)
I missed the golden days of baby monkey torture :( :( :( :( can someone show me the way to Grace please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
ramarama23 (1 year ago)
god you can't go anywhere without the monkey fuckers these days. I don't get it, do you watch it because CP is illegal? Because you live in some southeast asian shithole and deal with monkeys all the time? Because a monkey threw poop at you as a little kid?

I don't get it with you people
lemonpop2 (2 years ago)
kill yourself
CallmeBitches (2 years ago)
@ThyBonesConsumed the sexual abuse ones are disgusting not gonna get an argument from me there, and good job ignoring the murder that was obviously a torture from getting stabbed, and we don't defend ourselves regarding this. We know it's depraved shit, but we can't fight animal instinct anymore than u can fight being a whiney little bitch. And we pvt our accounts cuz we don't need people bitching at us every 30 seconds, now I'm done, if you reply I won't be able to see it. Have a good one
ThyBonesConsumed (2 years ago)
@CallmeBitches Nice whataboutism. The difference is that a lot of those suicides don't involve torture. No matter how you monkeyfuckers try to defend this shit, it's still thinly-veiled pedosadism in the end since most of these videos involve baby monkeys either getting physically or (in some cases) sexually abused and since monkeys are the closest animals to humans.

Also, if you monkeyfuckers aren't total pussies, then why do you fags private your channels?
CallmeBitches (2 years ago)
@TheBonesConsumed i think its funny people are all chill when a guy shotguns his head off or someone is being stabbed to death but monkeys getting messed with ooooooh shit! we've gone too far. Hypocrites
ThyBonesConsumed (2 years ago)
Doesn't mean freedom from consequence. Enjoy your ban, faggot.
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million smiles from billion happiness From: MZzz
Views: 966
Comments: 7
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