Otakuandlolicon's Channel
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Recent Activity
Otakuandlolicon became friends with bitviewsux (1 month ago) | ||
Otakuandlolicon became friends with StolzerDeutscher (10 months ago) | ||
Otakuandlolicon commented on a video (1 year ago) Innercore - Propa
Awesome |
Otakuandlolicon commented on a video (1 year ago) Nigger trash
@MomijiInubashiri he is a true security guard |
Otakuandlolicon commented on a video (1 year ago) |
Channel Comments (8)
cryingbaby (9 months ago)
@StolzerDeutscher hey is this your alt? kinda weird!
NaziBoyReturns (1 year ago)
nigga why the fuck are you subbed to me
LolwutPear (1 year ago)
imagine liking loli
Otakuandlolicon (1 year ago)
I am gooning to cats
MomijiInubashiri (1 year ago)
I'm watching Shangri-La Frontier, wished videogames were real.
antokkum (1 year ago)
Otakuandlolicon (1 year ago)
Loli pussy
MomijiInubashiri (1 year ago)
shota cum
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