I luhs monkeez
Polina1 Joined: Jul 11, 2022 Last Sign In: 5 months ago Subscribers: 8 Channel Views: 1,046
Age: 50
Interested in all things monkey. They are so funny and cute.
Country: United States
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Polina1 commented on a video (1 year ago)
Polina1 commented on a video (1 year ago)
Monyets after new year. Happy monke...
I hear one of them remixed Auld Lang Syne. It sounds nice. Different from the original version.
Polina1 became friends with MmeMonkeyH (1 year ago)
Polina1 became friends with KarenMafiaTV (1 year ago)
Polina1 became friends with GreenMonk (1 year ago)
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