Political Russia - PolitRussia
PolitRussia Joined: Nov 06, 2020 Last Sign In: 3 years ago Subscribers: 2 Video Views: 203 Channel Views: 42
People's social and political Internet magazine PolitRussia, which is a product of collective creativity, where analytical materials by various authors with different political views and professions are posted.
Country: Russia
Interests: Donbass, Crimea, Russia.
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Channel Comments (11)
AnthonyGiarrusso (3 years ago)
LOL Dodo is a bird that went extinct. A pizza place called "Dodo" is like to go extinct and out of business.
PolitRussia (3 years ago)
Supported infantile revolutionaries in Russia - burned out in China:
The Russian company Dodo Pizza, the Russian company Dodo Pizza, was announced about the rest of the Chinese market. The founder of the network shall pretend that his company could not withstand the most severe competition. In response to which he receives reminders from our effilic fellow citizens on how "Dodo Pizza" 2 years ago I fed freely by Mamkina revolutionaries in Yekaterinburg.
PolitRussia (3 years ago)
American social networks are struggling to erase Cosmonautics Day:
American social networks are trying with all their might to "erase" Cosmonautics Day, on the eve of April 12, they were deleting content reminiscent of the leadership of the USSR and Russia in the development of near-Earth space. For example, the conscientious Facebook admins, under a far-fetched pretext, deleted a special RT stream dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight.
PolitRussia (3 years ago)
Once upon a time, before 1917, there was a motto "Autocracy. Orthodoxy. Nationality."! Now all this is history. Maybe "Digitalization, Awareness and Patriotism" is needed?
PolitRussia (3 years ago)
Each of us is obliged to take care of our Motherland, then the Motherland will take care of everyone. To do this, you should work honestly, be a professional in your business, a responsible person, contribute to a situation when those who will not have to be forced to comply with laws fall into power. We must not be afraid to defend our rights, and do it relying on modern laws, digital and media opportunities.
PolitRussia (3 years ago)
The beliefs of the Club members are as follows: Russia is our Motherland, and it has its own way of development - not liberal, but state-oriented, not archaic-conservative, but progressive.
PolitRussia (3 years ago)
The Club of PolitRussia stands for:
- a strong state with a strong social component;
- the nationalization of the Russian elite and the ousting from power of that part of it that is firmly connected with the globalists;
- improving the tax climate in the country;
- total promotion of a healthy lifestyle;
- a cardinal paradigm shift in the field of the most important issue for the life of our country at the moment - demography.
PolitRussia (3 years ago)
The activities of the Political Russia Club are primarily aimed at identifying and solving social, economic and political problems through the implementation of an active civic position, coverage of situations in the media space, and assistance to citizens in overcoming difficult life situations caused by the activities of the authorities.
PolitRussia (3 years ago)
Club "Political Russia" is an association of conscious, sensible people, capable of thinking critically, bearing responsibility, and having an active civil position.
PolitRussia (3 years ago)
The existence of Russia is an independent value for us. A value that must be preserved and strengthened. The statehood of Russia is the backbone of our society, the stability of which depends on the creative work of every citizen, who receives protection and support in return. Moreover, the duties and rights of a citizen are inseparable.
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